March 02, 2013

English Subject - Simple Future Tense

      Saya akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang simple future tense dalam pelajaran bahasa inggris. Untuk lebih jelasnya anda dapat melihat disini.

Simple Future Tense

The Pattern

(+) S + will + V1
(-)  S + will not (won’t) + V1
(?) Will + S + V1

Example :
-          I will go to the beach.
-          I will not go to office tomorrow.
-          Will you come to the meeting tomorrow?

When do we use the simple future tense?

  1. No plan/ spontaneous activity
We use the simple future tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision at the time of speaking.
Example :
-          Hold on, I’ll get the key.
-          We will see if we can help you.
-          Maybe we’ll go to the cinema tonight.

  1. Prediction
We often use the simple future tense to make a prediction about the future. We are saying what we think will happen.
Example :
-          It will rain tonight.
-          People won’t left their home after the earthquake.
-          Who do you think will win the competition?

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